TAG Ministries Foundation, Inc.


Practicing Church

I thought I was in good standing with God as I "practiced" all the things I had been taught, but gradually over time my thought process was changing. My long-held beliefs concerning God were being called into question, due to a major paradigm shift in my view of God. A few of my beliefs remained the same, some were altered, others were modified, and many were completely discarded. Even though I had a "Christian" background, I lacked a clear understanding of Biblical principles, most important of which are: God wants every person to know Him, and God accepts every person just as they are. I asked God many questions because I had a strong desire to grow both spiritually and in my relationship with Him. My paradigm shift became authentic when I realized that God was more than willing to teach me all He wanted me to know. All I had to do was allow Him the opportunity. When I finally believed it was God's intention and desire (and also His responsibility) to teach me, I was set free from previous erroneous beliefs. This freedom changed my perspective about God, including the reality that I wasn't required to be a church member or even attend church in order to know God or become a part of His kingdom. "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!" (Galatians 5:1).

The following questions developed out of my own experience as I evaluated my relationship with God. I began to realize this relationship needed to be continually renewed and expanded, because if I was not listening to God and learning from Him, I was limiting His ability to work with me. In essence I would be saying "there's really nothing left to discover about God." That kind of attitude could have far-reaching consequences, as I now suspect that all eternity will not consist of enough time to learn all there is to know about God and His Son Jesus.

My Christian Litmus Test

  1. Are you tired of the routine of going to church, just to be going to church?
  2. Are you bored with tradition, and wonder why religion isn't more satisfying?
  3. Are you enjoying church fellowship of family, friends and neighbors, but yet have a personal emptiness in your life that is unexplainable?
  4. Do you have a particular need in your life that is not being met? Are you yearning for something and are not quite sure what it is, or how to get it?
  5. Would you like to know God in a way you never thought possible?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions,

As Jesus told the woman at the well everything about herself, Jesus likewise knows everything about you and me. And since he does know everything, we can trust him completely and not feel guilty or ashamed of anything that has or will happen in our lives. Regardless of what we may think of ourselves or think of others, or even of God, Jesus still extends his invitation to "Come and See." This is an opportunity no one should miss!

I like God because He has given me life,
and that life is in His Son.
I like Jesus because he has made God known to me.


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TAG Ministries Foundation, Inc. ©2002
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